If we accept Jesus as God, a figure of ultimate authority, to what degree if any does he express that authority through the Bible?
A major purpose of the Bible is to enable us to please God. The means of pleasing God is to know God. And knowing God is chiefly evidenced by believing what he promises and doing what he asks.
That is living under his authority. That is believing in him.
1.1 Jesus Christ is Lord - so what?
1.2 How does authority relate to salvation?
1.3 How does authority relate to learning and obeying God's Word?
1.4 How does authority relate to loving God?
1.5 How does authority answer the question: "So what if Jesus Christ is Lord?"Part 1: The triune God
Part 2: The authority of the Father
Part 3: The authority of the Spirit
Part 4: The authority of the Son3.1 Introduction.
3.2 The nature of God's Word.
3.3 The authority of God's Word.
3.4 The eternality of God's Word.
3.5 Summary
4. Biblical AUTHORITY AND HUMANITYPart 1: The nature of salvation
Part 2: The application of God's Word
Part 3: Maturity and God's Word
Part 4: How to prepare for judgment5.1 In brief.
5.2 The story of the S.S.Titanic: Welcome aboard.
5.3 The nature of the crew.
5.4 The nature of the danger.
5.5 The nature of the ship.
5.6 Discovering the problem.
5.7 Acknowledging the problem.
5.8 Acting on the problem.
5.9 The abruptness of the end.
5.10 The living and the dead.
5.11 The sum of humanity's best efforts.
5.12 Our responsibility.
"He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day."
- John 12:48, NASB-U