This is an introduction to the historical sections which include the fascinating and terrible times of the Crusades and Inquisitions; times which were heavy on religion, but light on obedience to biblical teachings.
One section also features a disclaimer urging the reader that certain foregoing sections and statements are not intended to be end-all arguments in the Catholic vs. Protestant debate.
1. The PREHISTORY of English translations
1.1 Introduction to the pre-history of the English Bible.
1.2 Introduction to the Crusades and the Inquisitions.
1.3 Introduction to Catholicism and Protestantism.2.1 The church enters the world.
2.2 The church called the Church of Rome.
2.3 The world enters the church.
4. The Church of Rome's doctrine of INFALLIBILITY4.1 The Church of Rome's doctrine of infallibility.
4.2 How does infallibility relate to biblical interpretation?
4.3 The appeal to "spiral reasoning".
4.4 Infallible but unaware.
5. The Church of Rome's doctrine of ABSOLUTION5.1 What is absolution?
5.2 The use of absolution.
5.3 The use of ex-communication.
5.4 On speaking ex-cathedra.
6. Issues concerning ISLAM and JIHAD6.1 Words to consider carefully
6.2 Who speaks for Islam?
6.3 Pre-Islamic Arabia
6.4 Who was Muhammad? - part one
6.5 Who was Muhammad? - part two
6.6 The Qur'an
6.7 The doctrine of abrogation
6.8 The principle of al-Taqiyya
6.9 What is jihad - in their own words?
6.10 Jihad: The first 1,300 years
6.11 Jihad: The last 100 years
7. The CRUSADES7.1 The First Crusade: mission of mercy.
7.2 A warm welcome.
7.3 Subsequent Crusades: missions of plunder.8.1 Crusading against heretics.
8.2 Inquisitors are officially sanctioned.
8.3 Destiny of a heretic
8.4 The Inquisitions worsen.
8.5 The Crusades fail and the Inquisitions worsen again.
8.6 The creation of additional thought-crimes and an Inquisitor General's office.
8.7 Immunity for the rich; (re)execution of the dead.9.1 The dark ages: the absence of biblical literacy.
9.2 Early protesters to the Church of Rome: the Protestant movement.
9.3 Protestantism and Reformed Catholicism: similarities and differences.
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
- Patrick Henry