"If I saw a miracle, THEN I'd be convinced" some say.
But not everyone who witnessed the miracles in the Bible believed; some did, some didn't.
Why think we would react any differently today?
"Even if I were to accept that a miracle happened, I'm not sure it would persuade me of anything."
I think I agree with this questioner. It would depend on the miracle (how "impossible" was it?) and on the circumstances. If the resurrection, for example, suddenly happened, it would be impressive but something we all walk away from going "Wow", and then go home and soon life returns to normal.
But considering it fit the pattern of something predicted long ago, plus Jesus himself foretold it, plus his closest followers died all swearing it was true, I walk away going "Wow. Hey, what else was he saying?"
See also:
Do miracles really happen?
How much evidence is enough?