Integrity 10

1. Elliot, Raymond, Edited by Philip Wesley Comfort, 'The Origin of the Bible' Tyndale House, Wheaton IL, 1992 p.236

2. Ibid. p.237

3. Roberts, Jenny, 'Bible Facts', Dorset Press, NY, 1990, p. 14

4. Lewis, Jack P. 'The English Bible From KJV to NIV', Baker House, 1982 p.42

5. Ibid., p.201

6. Ibid., p.229

7. Ibid., p.238

8. Bruce, F. F., "The Books and the Parchments", Fleming H. Revell Co., rev. 1984, p. 249

9. Kohlenberger, John R. 'Words About the Word', Regency R.L., Grand Rapids, MI, 1987 p.91

10. Bruce, op. cit., p. 251

Note: The "New Testament and Psalms" is a book from Oxford University Press openly boasting of politically correct edits to remove words, terms, and ideas that are believed to give offense in America's present culture. Such edits achieve socio-religious universalism rather than a natural and historical rendering of the original texts, as even advertised by the book's subtitle "An Inclusive Version".

The work is heralded as a non-oppressive, revolutionary new approach to interpreting truth: the revision of scriptural writings to reflect the spin of the dominant culture of the mid 1990's. As such, this work should not be mistaken as an attempt at a faithful translation, or a paraphrase of that which was actually written long ago, but rather recognized as a constrictively partisan social commentary.